Tuesday 30 June 2020


Indomitable Spirit

I was swimming in the sea,
Waves came one after the other 
I was swimming and swimming to reach my destination.
But one wave, a powerful wave, overpowered me;
It took me along in its own direction,
  I was pulled long and along.
When I was about to lose amidst the sea-wave power,
One thought flashed to me, yes, that is courage
Courage to reach my goal, courage to
defeat the powerful force and succeed;
    With courage in my mind,
indomitable spirit engulfed me,
With indomitable spirit in mind and  action, 
I regained lost confidence
I can win, win 
Strength came back to me, overpowered the sea-wave
I reached the destination, my mission.

(This poem was composed during a flight from New Delhi to Bangalore on 28th August 2010. The poem emanated as an answer to a number of question posed to me form the youth various issues and problems like, poverty, disorder in the family, invasion on Indian culture, mistrust, corruption, violence, terrorism and Maoism, distrust, underconfidence and fears that are prevailing among the youth. This poem is mainly address the challenges, problems and fears encountered by the youth.)