Friday 3 July 2020



WHEN YOU HAVE A MISSION TO become a great corporate or entrepreneur, you need to possess two important qualities: RIGHTEOUSNESS IN LIFE AND INDOMITABLE SPIRIT. 

  Righteousness in imbibed in our culture and is part of our culture strength. Righteousness gives us nobility. One of the greatest indicators of the nobility of the soul is to be JUST AND EVEN in the midst of the trials and tribulations. Righteousness makes a man or women carry on his/her business without any greed and without feeling proud of his ability to be of use to society.

   I am reminded of Tamil classic, silapathikaram, which brings out power of righteousness and provides the code of conduct for the people in high and responsible postion.

     It means that if  people who are high and responsible positions go against righteousness, the righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer. Whoever deviates from righteousness, whether it is the individual or the state, it is no more than a passing shadow. The errors of great men are like eclipses of the greater lights. Let this thought dwell in all of us and blossom into righteous action, which are all the more important fore those who deal with the affairs of the people. This message is brought out very clearly by Elangovadikal in silapathikaram. 

      silapathikaram is one of the five great epics written nearly 2000 years ago in Tamil language. The story of Kannagi plays an important role in the history of Madurai. Kovalan , a successful business man married Kannagi, who was the beautiful daughter of a merchant Maanaikkan. Later, Kovalan's life changed due to his association with the dancer Madhavi, and he lost all his property.

     The led Kovanlan to go back to his wife to help. Both went to Madurai to start trade after selling their only property, a pair of anklets called Silambu. In the queen of Pandiyan King Nedunchezhiyan, lost her anklets (Silambu). Actually, the court jeweller had robbed the queen's anklets in the market. He seized the anklet from Kovalan and informed the king about it. The king sent guards to arrest Kovalan. Kovalan was accused of having stolen the queen's anklets and was killed as per the king's order.

       When Kannagi came to know about the news she went out into the town, with her eyes ablaze with anger, carrying the order anklet in her hand as a proof of her husband's innocence. She made the King realise the truth by breaking her anklet, which was made of Manickam. When the Pandiyan King came to know that he had punished an innocent, he died in his throne saying, ''Oh! I am the thief and he is not the thief,'' The queen also died at the at the spot. Kannagi burnt Madurai into ashes, in consequence to the injustice done to her husband.

        Since the Pandiyan King had failed to preserve justice and punishes an innocent the important of righteousness in our day to day life. 

How to be righteous?

Listen To The Inner Voice For Being Righteous.

       CONSCIENCE IS THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL THAT BURNS WITHIN THE  CHAMBERS OF OUR PSYCHOLOGICAL HEART. IT IS AS REAL IS. IT RAISES THE VOICE IN PROTEST WHENEVER ANYTHING IS THOUGHT OF OR DONE CONTRARY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS. Conscience is a from of truth that has been transferred through our genetic stock in the from of the knowledge of our own acts and feelings as right or wrong.

         A virtuous and courageous person alone can use the instrument of conscience. He or she alone can hear the inner voice of the soul clearly. In a wicked person this faculty is absent. The sensitive nature of conscience has been destroyed by sin or corruption in wicked person. Hence, he or she is unable ton discriminate right from the wrong, Leading organization, business enterprises,institutions and governments should develop this virtue of the ability to use their own conscience. This wisdom of using the clean conscience will enable them tom enjoy the freedom.

Nobility of mind

    I had another unique experience many years back that reveals how a single leader can inspire a large population. I happened to meet, in Delhi, the granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, Mrs Sumitra Kulkarni. She narrated to me an incident about her grandfather, which she had personally witnessed. Mahatma Gandhi used to have a prayer meeting daily at a fixed time in the eventing. After the prayers, there used to be collection of voluntary gifts for the welfare of the under-privileged sections of society.

     The devotees of Gandhiji used to collect whatever was given by the people and his collection was counted by the supporting staff of Gandhi family. Gandhiji was informed the details of the collection before his dinner and the next-day morning the money was handed over to a bank man who visited them every morning. One day the bank man reported that there was a discrepancy of few paise in the money given to him and the money collected. On hearing this, Mahatma Gandhiji went to fast saying that the contributions being collected is a donation for the poor and every paisa should be accounted for Such was Gandhiji's integrity. His act of righteousness should be practised by all us.

  • Practise righteousness in all your thought and action.
  • Hear the voice of your conscience.
  • Keep your mind clean. 
  • A virtuous person alone can hear the voice of his conscience.
  • The voice of conscience discriminates between right and wrong.
  • If we go against righteousness, the righteousness will turn into our destroyer.