Thursday 2 July 2020


From Vision to Mission 


Working in Mission node  

DURING THE 1960S, INDIA WAS in state of ship-to-mouth existence in food. If the American ships did not bring wheat, it would result in a famine in India. But there were two visionaries who worked together with the farming community and brought the first Green Revolution-the political thinker Shri C, Subramaniam and the brought the first agriculture scientist Dr,. M.S. Swaminathan. Around the same time, Dr, Varghese Kurien masterminded the White Revolution. Today, we produce two hundred million tonnes of food grain, not only sufficient for us but most of the time available for export as well. Similarly. the value revolution result in placing India at the top of the world map of milk producers.

The need for a Mission and its role 
In India, much innovation and creative thinking took place during this various phases of our development. Dr Vikram Sarabhai said in the sixties thay India should design and develop a large satellite launch vehicle and put communication satellite and remote-sensing satellite in geosynchronous
orbit and polar respectively. This vision statement ignited hundred of scientists, technologists and thousand of technicians.  Today, India is capable of building all types of satellite launch vehicles and satellites, Similarly in missile area, we had a mission-oriented programme at DRDO  that led to the deployment of two strategic missiles and the establishment of the capability to design, develop and produce any type of missile.

   Due to the vision of our nuclear programme, a series of nuclear power plants have been established adding 7000 megawatt power to our electrical grid of 100,000 megawatt. There is a proposal to increase the nuclear power to 20,000 megawatt by 2020.

    In the year 1980, India had just started the work in the Information Technology. Some young entrepreneurs with their innovative and creative thoughts, within the difficult regime of our country's rules and regulations, demonstrated how IT enabled services can fetch export revenue. Subsequently, even the Government had to bring out innovative and liberalized IT policies. Now, our young IT entrepreneurs are generating export revenue of 50 billion dollars. This is expected to grow to more than 100 billion dollars by the year 2020. Similarly, the pharmaceutical industries are making a positive impact on the Indian economy. Our garment industry and our export of flowers and diamonds are not far behind. Our auto-component and automobile industries have made remarkable breakthroughs. Our cement industry has recorded great achievements in energy efficiency. Fly-ash utilization, which was just 3% in 1993, is now close to 25% after mission mode approach. It will further grow as fly-ash has multiple application.
     These successful mission give us the confidence that as a country we have the resources and the capability to succeed in challenging mission, if only we decide to achieve them. Our development should not be merely in the pattern of 'following the West' like the US, Europe or Russia, we have to ensure that we achieve the development goals keeping our civilization's heritage intact. Then alone will prosperity and peace blend together. We must ensure that the development bring harmony at home, order in the nation and peace in the world. For that righteousness is the basic requirement, which is to be promoted among all citizens of the country.

  A coherent vision owned by every one turns to a common mission

  During one of my visits to Dubai, I met the ruler of Dubai. He said that Dubai is planning to increase its tourist arrival by five times. One this decision was taken, I found a coherent plan work started getting implement. The aviation minister was planning for a new airport and purchases of a new types of aircraft needed for attracting the tourists. The surface transport minister was planning a number of additional lanes required in the highways. The works' ministry was planning for an increase in the hotel accommodation for the tourists. The health ministry had road map for the waste management and additional clean water requirements. This was the type of integrated response of the whole government to fulfil the national objective. A leader should appreciate the message out of this experience. For any successful mission, we should plan to work together with foresight in a mission mode for the multiple requirements of development of any kind.