Wednesday 17 June 2020

INDOMITABLE SPIRIT BY APJ ABDUL KALAM (your are unique) did you know????????????


IF YOU HAVE A MISSION TO BECOME a great leader, who can change the competitiveness index of
an institution,I would like to share with you the need for possessing an important trait for success
indomitable spirit.

                                Let us study what constitutes the indomitable spirit. it was two componenets. 
The first component is that there must be a vision that would lead to higher goals of achievement
I would lead to higher goals of achievement. I would like to recall a couplet from Thirukkural, wr-
itten 2500 years ago, by the Poet saint Thiruvalluvar. It means that whatever may be the depth of
the river ir lake or poud, whatever may be the condition of the water, the lily flower always com-es out and blossoms, even if it is impossible to achieve, a man will always succed. 

                                 Many of us have initiated and have also been a part of large programmes and
projects. During the progress of these programmes, we would have many times experienced that
success is not in sight and there are many hurdles. The same poet through another couplet, remi-nds us that we should never be defeated by any problems.

                                 We should become the master of the situation and defeat the problems. I con-sider that these two Thirukkurals characterize the indomitable spirit. such a spirit is crucial to im-proving the competitveness of institutions, which can develop great human resourcees for adding
value and generating wealth for the nation.



No night is without a dawn-Power of the mind

                         During my visit to Bulgari, I was interacting with the student of Sofia Univers-ity. One of the Indology student asked me ''I am a student practising Yoga. I read your book 
''Wing of Fire''. I am keen to know from you about your experience with Swami Sivananda, which
you have referred to in the book.'' I narrated the incident which took place way back in 1957. I had gone for my selection in the indian Air Force to Dehradun and was ranked ninth in the selection results. But only eight candidates were commissioned.  I knew that the days ahead would be diffi-cult. I left Deharadun and reached Rishikesh on my way to Delhi. I took a bath in the holy river Ga-nga and walked to sivananda Ashram, which is situated a little away up the hill, i met Swami Siva-nandA-- a man who looked like Buddha. i was struck by his irresistible child-like smile and graci-ous manner. I told him about my long-cherished desire to fly. His smile washed away all my anxi-ety, and he said:

                                    ''Desire, when it stems from the heart and spirit, when it is pure and intense,
possesses an awesome electromagnetic energy. This energy is released into the ether each night
as the mind falls into the sleep states. Each morning it returns to the conscious state, reinforced
with the cosmic currents. That which has been imaged will surely and certainly be manifested.You
can rely young man, upon this ageless promise as surely as you can rely upon the eternally unbr-oken promise of sunrise So, deafeat the deafeatist tendencies''

                                   That was the unique interaction, i had with Swami Sivananda

  • Achieve a goal with will and determination.
  • Defeat the defeatist tendency.
  • Have an indomitable spirit.


Unknown said...

I love this website