Sunday 21 June 2020


Removal of self-doubt

One of  the keys for the progrsee of 
Human Beings

DR. STEPHEN HAWKING OF Cambridge Uuniversity is one of the most accomplished physicits of our time. This great scholar was affected by a mator neuron disease which deteriorated so mauch that it threatened his research career. His speech became slurry and many people predicted that would not live to complete his Ph.D. His  determination and the help thhat he not only lived to complete his Ph.D., but also made the most evviable contribution to Physics----the string theroy.  He is great living example that glorifies the confidence to ein desite a numbnerof physcial disabilites.

     During my visit to Bulgari  in 1003, i visited the National Art Gallery  fo Bulgaria. There i  saw an exhibition of paintings, mostly done by Bulgrain painterrs which inspired and impressed me. i also saw the 100th  birth anniversary exposition of the famous Bulgarian artist Zlatju BIJadjiev. Hundreds of paintings were done by him using his right hand, as is normally done. I was told that his right hand was subsequently paralyzed. But the indomitable spirit in him, made him paint using  his left hand and these more beautiful paintings which were also displayed were painted with his left hand. What struck me was that CONSTRUCTIVE PEOPLE CANNOT BE HAMPERED BY A PHYSICAL DEFECT, AS THE POWER COMES FROM WITH IN TO MAKE ONE GO AHEAD WITH THE LIFE'S MISSION.
      Nani palkhivala started his life as a middle class boy who suffered from stammering but his father, noticing his clear thinking and incredible debating power, repeatedly adivised him to take up the legal profession. Nani aspired for the ICS, but fate destined otherwise, What a grest boon to the nation it was to have had the spectacle of Palkhiva, in the lawyer, ''Such argument will not be heard in this Court for centuries.''
        SirCV raman was head of teaching and research in Physics and created great scientific leaders and was also instrumental in the incepton of Raman Reseaech Institute, Bangalore, At the age of 82, Sir CVRaman, while adderessing young graduates said:
      ''I would like to tell the young men and woeman before me not to lose hope and courage. Success can only come to you by courageous deveotion to the task lying in front of you. I can assert without fear of contradiction that the quality of the Indian mind is equal to the qulity of any Teutonic, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon mind. What we lack is perhaps courage, what lack is perhaps the diving force which takes one any where. We have, i think, developed an inferiority complex. I think ehat is needed in india today is the destruction of that defeatist spirit.
          We need a spirit of victory that will carry us to rightful place under the sun, a spirit which will recognise that we, as inheritors of a proud civilization, are entitled to a rightful place on this planet. if that indomitable spirit were to arise, nothing can hold us from achieving our rightful destiny.''
            These were the words from the Nonbel laureate scientist of India that always reverberate in my mind.

  • Self-doubt is the biggest hurdle in your way to progress.
  • Productive people cannot be hampered even by physical defects.