Monday 29 June 2020

SPECIAL POSITION OF JAMMU & KASHMIR ( did you know ??????)

Special Position of Jammu & Kashmir

  • The jurisdiction of the Parliament in the relation to Jammu & Kashmir is confined to the Union List, and the Concurrent List.
  • Residuary power belong to the Legislature of Jammu & Kashmir. 
  • Proclamation of Emergency under Art. 352 on the ground of the internal disturbance has no effect in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, without the concurrence of the Government of he State.
  • No decision affecting the disposition of the State can be made by the Government of India, without the consent of the Government of the State.
  • The Union has no power to suspend the Constitution of the State on the ground of failure to comply with the directions given by the Union under Art. 365.
  • Art. 356-357 relating to suspension of constitutional machinery have been extended to Jammu & Kashmir by the Amendment Order of 1964. But ''failure'' would mean failure to the constitutional machinery of Jammu & Kashmir.
  • The Union has no power to make a Proclamation of Financial Emergency with respect to yhe State of Jammu & Kashmir under Art. 360.
  • Directive Principles of State Policy do not apply to the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
  • Jammu & Kashmir  has its own Constitution made by a separate Constituent Assembly and promulgated in 1957.
  • The State Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir ( accepting the provisions relating to the relationship of the State with the Union of India), can be amended by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State, Passed by not less than 2/3 majority.
  • No alteration of the area or boundaries of Jammu & Kashmir can be made by Parliament  without the consent of the Legislature of the State.
  • The jurisdictions of the Comptroller and Auditor-General, the Election Commission, and the Special Leave jurisdiction of the Supreme Court have been extended to Jammu & Kashmir.