Sunday 26 July 2020


Spiritual Leadership to clean 
the environment 

  The status of the environmental cleanliness is one of the indicators of the development of the nation. As a nation, we have to keep environment clean, including all our rivers and places of the worship. Cleaning of Kali Bein, in Panjab, isa example of preservation of the environment through spiritual leadership.I am delighted to learn that the Kali Bein rivulet,the place where Sri Gurunanak Dev is said to have received enlightenment, and which had over the centuries turned literally into a sewage-ridden, weed-choked drain, is today flowing clean and proud due,mainly to the efforts of Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal in partnership with the Panjab State Government. I understand that he organized people's participation in stopping the massive flow of sewage into the Bein and cleaned the 160 km long polluted had choked rivulet within the last three and a half years by deploying, on an average, 3000 devotees per day of the Gurudwara, who have become volunteer workers for the mission. Today, one can feel the flow of fresh water in these rivulet released from the Tarkina Barrage. The revival of the rivulet has recharged the water table as the hand-pumps that had become dry for the past four decades are now pumping out water. Baba, with the volunteers, not only did cleaning up operation by clearing Bein from the weeds and hyacinth,but also built bathing ghats at five places and built more than 100 km long road on the bank of the rivulet.