Sunday 5 July 2020

Divine Science (did you know ???????)

Divine Science 

    Scientists philosophers and theologists and Spiritual have to eventually converge towered an understanding, what may be called divine science. The world is looking for a new science; that must be Divine Science. These are spiritual, mystical, religion and theological truth of the  contemporary world The Divine Science. would be a result of breakthroughs in understanding the fundamental basis of reality such as quantum theory, relativity theory, chaos theory, general system theory, string theory, and other, The magnitude of infinite possibilities within the human body and external cosmos is amazing. THE DIVINE SCIENCE HAS TO TRANSCEND THE CERTAINTY OF A STRICTLY NEWTONIAN CLOCKWORK NOTION TO A NEW VISION OF HOLISTIC AND UNIFIED COSMOS ROOTED IN A NON-LOCAL QUANTUM REALITY THAT IS FUNDAMENTALLY SPIRITUAL AS OPPOSED TO MATERIAL. It may also be described as intrinsically evolutionary and harmonious.

       Now I would like to discuss about how through a Multipronged action, the evolution of enlightened society can be realized in the global community.

       I would like to recall a unique incident which give me message of unity of minds. During the years 2003, I visited one of the Indian stats, Arunachal  Pradesh . I visited a Buddhist monastery at Tawang, at an altitude of 3500 meters. I stayed and spent some times,  nearly a day, there. I observed a unique situation in all the villages nearby where young and experienced were all radiating happiness in spite of severe winter conditions. Then, I visited the 400-year-old Tawang monastery where I saw monks of all age group in a state of serenity, I was asking my self what I saw monks on all age group in a state of serenity. I was asking myself what is the unique feature of Tawang and surrounding village, that makes people and monks to be at peace with themselves. When the time came, I asked the Chief Monk, how in Tawang village and monastery, I am experiencing peace and happiness being radiated by everyone. There was a pause, the chief monak smiled. He said ''You are the President of India. You will be knowing all about us and the whole nation.'' Again, I said, ''It is very important for me, you please give me your thoughtful analysis.''

        There was a beautiful golden image of  Lord Buddha radiating smile and peace. The Chief Monk assembled nearby all his nearly 100 young and experienced monks. The Chief Monk and myself were sitting amidst them. The Chief Monk gave a short discourse, which I would like to share with you. Chief Monk said, "In the present world we have a problem of distrust, unhappiness transforming into violence. This monastery spreads: when you ''Remove ''I'' and  "Me" from your mind, you will eliminates ego; if you get rid of ago, hatred towards fellow human beings will vanish; if the hatted goes out of our mind, the violence in thinking and action will disappear; if violence in our mind is taken away, peace alone will blossom in the society.'' I realized the meaning of beautiful equation for peaceful life, but difficult mission for the individual is how to remove the ethos, of ''I'' and ''Me.'' For this we need the education inculcated the young age as per propagated by the great philosophers. The message we drive out this experience is the need to rise above ego and negative thoughts, and transform them into positive thought of compassion for all humanity. This is the key for happy, peaceful and prosperous society.

  • Human beings should develop two unique traits of intellect and humaneness.
  • Give bring happiness.  
  • Remove I and Me from your mind, you will eliminate ego and get peace and happiness.