Monday 6 July 2020


Without A VISION, WE CANNOT to took into the future. The first step to achieving a goal is yo have a dream. Dreams turn thought and thought generate action, and it is only concerted action that would result in achievement of our goals.

The stories of Vision and Dreams 
    In the journey of life, very rarely some great human beings influence one's life. I had the privilege of working with three such personalities.

Space Visionary

I was fortunate to work with Prof. Vikram Sarabhai for seven years. While working closely with him, I saw the dawn of the vision for the space programme in a one-page statement. Witnessing the evolution and implementation of this one page by many years of ceaseless work by a comic-ray physicist and great scientific mind, was really a great learning for me. Also I was thriilled to see the famous vision statement of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai , made in the year 1970, which states, ''Indian with her mighty scientific knowledge  and power-house of young, should build her own rocket system (satellite launch vehicle) and also build her own communication, remote sensing and meteorological spacecraft and launch from her own soil to enrich the Indian life in satellite communication, remote sensing and meteorology.'' When I look at this vision statement in the present context, I am overwhelmed to see the result of this statement. Today Indian can build any type of satellite launch vehicle, any type of spacecraft and can launch from  Indian soil it has all type capability which its mighty great soul Prof. Vikram Sarabhai had imagined while starting his career in the laboratory of Sir C.V. Raman at the Indian Institute of  Sciences.

  Have you heard about Thumba? It is in Kerala on the seashore and it is the place from where the Indian space programme commenced. There is an interesting story how Thumba was selected for the space program. ProfVikram Sarabhai, a cosmic-ray scientist and Dr. Homi Bhabha a nuclear scientist were searching for place from where they could launch sounding rockets for atmospheric research, ionospheric research and meteorological research. After seeing various places, they came to conclusion that Thumba is the right place as it very close to the Equator which will help the space research in equatorial zone.

   NIKE CAJUN- a two staged rocket was launched in November 1963. That was an Indo-US APACHE cooperation Programme. Prof Vikram Sarabhai, within six years unfurled the space mission for India that should build Satellite Launch Vehicle capability, to put India's communication satellite in the geosynchronous orbit and remote sensing satellite in the polar orbit. Also, he envisaged that launch vehicles built in India should be launched from Indian soil. This one visionary thought led to intensive research in multiple field of science and space technology. Today, India with her thousand of scientific technology and support staff in multiple space research centres has the capability to build any type of satellite launch vehicles, any type of rockets and launch them from Indian soil. Sriharikota is the fortunate place in India from where all the space launchers take place. I had the fortune to be part of Prof Vikram Sarabhai's vision and with my team participated in India's first satellite launch vehicle programme to put satellite in the orbit.

  • Next part coming soon wait for it.
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