Wednesday 1 July 2020


Don't fear failure 
Don't fear crisis

A person  crisis may change history 

My Search For Bringing together Peace and prosperity 

SOMETIMES I INTENTLY THINK, what can bring peace and prosperity together. I have visited all part of our country and talked to the children, the youth and the experienced. I have also visited several countries. When I addressed the pan-African Parliament represented by 53 African countries, I happened to meet the heads of state of thees countries and their citizens, These meeting triggered many random thoughts in me. I would like to share with you know the father of our Nation Gandhi, working at Durban in South Africa, experienced the insult and humiliation under the apartheid regime and fought back during the period 1893-1914. This later on led to the birth of non-cooperation movement through non-violence. During my visit to South Africa in 2004, I boarded a train at Penrich rail station near Durban for journey to Pietermaritzburg, just tracing the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi.

   It was from  Durban station the Mahatma had embark on the fateful journey that later year is regarded as having changed the course of his life. He boarded the train on the June 7, 1893 in order to travel to Pretori, where he was due to meet legal clients. A first-class seat was booked for him. The train reached Pietermarizburg station at about 9.00 p.m. White passenger entering the compartment could not stomach coloured person  travelling with him. So he went out and returned with two officials who ordered Gandhiji to move to the van compartment. When Gandhiji resisted as he had the valid ticket to travel in that compartment, a white constable was called who took Gandhiji by hand pushed him out of the train. His luggage was also thrown out, and the train continued its journey without him. Gandhiji spent the night in the waiting room. It was winter, and the weather was bitterly cold. Although his overcoat was in the luggage, Gandhiji did not ask for it fearing insult. Gandhiji contemplated returning to India but decided that such a course would be cowardice. He vowed to stay and fight the disease of racial prejudice This changed the course of his life. Gandhiji even said,'' active non-violence began from that date''

  The train and the compartments in which we travelled were exactly same compartments in which the Mahatma. When I got down at the Pietermaritzburg station. I saw the plaque in whose vicinity the Mahatma was thrown out. I also went night. The action of Mahatma Gandhi his courage when he was insulted by the White constable later led to the birth of Ahimsa Dharma. This was the first movement in the South Africa against racial discrimination. The people of South Africa  remember the courageous action of Mahatma Gandhi, and as a nation they are  grateful to him. The fight against apartheid in South Africa at that time was indeed an experience for Mahatma Gandhi. It became a precursor to India's freedom movement.

   I also recall, the connectivity with the Kalinga war scene, about 2300 years back, where Emperor Ashoka's mind transformed, While celebrating the victory in the Kalinga war, at the coast of the death of more than one hundred thousand people and an equal number injured. In this victory, the emperor saw the bloodbath in the moonlit night. Here, we see the birth of Ashima Dharma, out of this tragic scene created by the Emperor himself grow into a laudable philosophy that spread across the world.

  A long walk to freedom 
  I would also like to share with you the sense in the Robben Island of Atlanitc Ocean. In this, I see an indomitable spirit of  Dr. Nelson Mandela, who was jailed for 26 years n single prison cell. When he was feed, he gave two great gifts to his nation. One was the magnanimity in the victory by providing equal constitutional rights to the 10% of the White population, who were the main propagators of apartheid. The second was his book entitled -- A long walk to freedom, the famous work he wrote stealthily in the prison. With all my experience in India and abroad, one is very clear, that in this planet of 6 billion  people, what is needed is fight against injustice. Mahatma Gandhi in Africa fought against apartheid, Dr. Nelson Mandela gave the final leadership to remove the apartheid regime from South Africa. In India, Gandhiji with his experience in fighting against injustice in South Africa, fought against the British for India's freedom. FROM THESE EXPERIENCES. WHAT WE LEARN HISTORICALLY IS THAT WE HAVE TO HAVE A MAJOR MISSION AGAINST INJUSTICE AND WE TO FIGHT TILL INJUSTICE IS COMPLETELY REMOVED.

  Shape of Injustice

   What is that injustice? The injustice that we have to fight today is the social and economic impoverishment and inequality in various aspect of life for large number of people. India's movement in removing this impoverished state will become a trendsetter for the whole planet. When India got its freedom in 1947, many nations in Asia and Africa were inspired to fight for freedom and were able to achieve freedom for their nations. Thus as the past, now again India will be able to lead in releasing the people all over the world from the shackles of injustice. When would India become a developed nation, and show the way to the other developing nations? Will history repeat itself?
(Yes, it will be possible by the youth power------half the population of India)

  • Don't fear failure----a personal crisis may bring a turning point in life which may change  the course of life for the better----or may even change history.
  • Have a major mission against injustice----the injustice of social and economic impoverishment.

     Good byyyyyyyyyyy...