Sunday 5 July 2020


Traits of good human beings 

I participated in the 102nd birthday celebrations of HH Dr. Sree Sree Sivakumara Mahaswamigalu at Siddaganga Math, Tumker. His Holiness  Sree Sree Sivakumara Swamiji is an example of spreading the message of ''giving.'' He has been on a tireless mission of socio-economic development and eradication of evils of illiteracy and discrimination through giving. He saw education and alleviation of hunger among the masses as an effective means to enrich the human capacity which in turn would contribute to national reconstruction. His Holiness Swamiji has followed the footprint of his Guru of providing free boarding home to the student which is now serving the needs of over 8,000 student. In addition, 2000 pilgrims and visitors in the Math are also provided feed every day During the last seven decades, Swamiji has been founder of well over 125 educational institutions ranging from nursery to institutions of technology, pure science, arts, management, vocational training and performing arts.

   At the end of his birthday function, Mahaswamigal gave an extempore speech for 15 minutes. Based on his century of experience, he said, for developing a happy and peaceful society, each citizen of the nation has to be facilitated to develop two unique traits. ONE IS INTELLECT, AND THE OTHER IS HUMANENESS. THIS CAN BE ACQUIRED THROUGH GOOD PARENTAGE, GOOD TEACHERS, GOOD BOOKS AND BEING IN THE COMPANY OF GREAT PEOPLE, If these is not done at the right age, a human being can become a devil particularly if the intellect acts without humaneness. We as a nation, have to take this message and develop our youth with these traits. The message we drive from the life of HH Dr. Sree Sree Sivakumara Mahaswamiglu is by, giving happiness blossoms in self, others and the world. I compossed a poem to celebrate the event, part of the poem is:

Radiating message from sree Siddaganga Math 

You have everything to give.
If you have knowledge, share it.
If you have resources, share it with the needy.
Use your mind and heart,
To remove the pain of the suffering. 
And cheer the sad hearts. 
In giving, you receive happiness. 
Almighty will bless all your action.