Friday 24 July 2020


Innovation is the capital 

 The global Competitiveness Report for the year 2003-04 shows that in terms of Growth Competitive Index ranking Us is ranked 2nd, Singapore 6th, South Africa 44th, and India 56th. In the same report, I noticed that in the proportion of Scientists and Engineers Index US ranked 4th, Singapore 6th, South Africa 38th, China 43rd and India 60th. Thus, we can see that there is a close correlation between the growth competitive index and the scientists and engineers index who are the innovation for the organization. 
 This innovation arises from the institutional initiative and the R&D production of the firm, shaped by policies and nature of local institutions.THE NATIONAL INNOVATIVE CAPACITY HAS TO BE THE COUNTRY'S IMPORTANT POTENTIAL TO REINFORCE BOTH POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ENTITY WITH COMMERCIALLY RELEVANT COMPETITIVE  PRODUCTS. This capacity is distinct from purely scientific or technical achievement and focuses on the economic application of new technology

  • written by the book your are unique