Friday 26 June 2020

VIRUS, CHARACTERS OF VIRUS ( did you know )??????


  • Study of virus is called virology.
  • Virus was discovered by Russian scientist Ivanovsky  in the year 1892 ( During the test of Mosaic disease in the tobacco)
  • In the nature, there are ultra microscopic particle know as viruses.
  • It has both the characters of living and non living, so it is a connecting link between living & non living.
  • Dr. Stanley first isolated the virus causing mosaic disease in tobacco in the from of crystals.

Characters of virus

  • They became active inside a living cells.
  • Nucleic acid replicate themselves and they reproduce rapidly.
  • They cause disease like bacteria & fungi.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              According to parasitic nature, virus is of three types----
  • Plant virus-RNA is present as its nucleic acid.
  • Animal virus-DNA or something RNA is found in it.
  • Bacteriophage-They depend only on bacteria. They kill the bacteria. DNA is found in them. Example-T-2 phage 

  • In man virus cause disease like mumps, chicken pox, hepatits, polio, AIDs and Herpes.
  • HIV often change its shape due to the presence of an enzyme reverse transcriptase.
  • The enzyme integrase produced by virus allow the integration of HIV-DNA into the host cell DNA.
  • EBOLA is virus, causes ebola fever. Fruit Bats are the natural host of this virus, first outbreak in West Africa.
  • Bacteriophages:Bacteriophages are those virus which infect the bacteria, Example-Tobacco mosaic virus. 
Note:Those viruses in which RNA is found as genetic material are called Retrovirus.

(written by the book Lucent's)