Monday 20 July 2020


Qualification for election as president of India

  • Be a citizen of India;
  • Have completed the age of thirty-five m(35) years;
  • Be qualified for election as member of the House the people; and
  • Must not hold any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State or under any local or other authority subject to the control of any of said Government {Art.58}.
  1. A sitting President or Vice-President of the Union or the Governor of any state or a Minster either for the Union or for any state is not disqualified for election as President(Rf.:Art.58).
  2. The president's term of office is five years from the date on which the enters upon his office.
  3. President can submit of resignation in writing  under his  hand addressed to the Vice-President of India.
  4. The only ground for impeachment of President specified in Art61(1) is 'violation' of the Constitution.
  5. An impeachment is a quasi-judicial procedure in Parliament.
  6. Either House may prefer the charge of violation of the Constitution by the President provided that:
  • A resolution containing the proposal is moved after a 14 days' notice in writing Signed by the not less than 1/4 of the total number of the member of that House;and
  • The resolution is then passed by a majority of that less than 2/3 of the membership of the house.
  • Change preferred by one House is investigated by the other House.
  1. The President has right to appear and to represented at such investigation.
  2. If a resolution is passed by not  less than 2/3 of the total membership of the investigating House declaring that the charge had sustained, the President shall be removed from office (ref.:Art.61).
  3. The President shall not be member of either House of Parliament or house of the Legislature of any state.
  4. If member of either House of Parliament or a house of the Legislature of any state elected President, he shall be deemed to have vacated his seat in that House.
  5. A vacancy in the office of the President can be caused in any of the following ways :
  • On the expiry of his term of five years.
  • By his death.
  • By his resignation.
  • On his removal by impeachment.
  • Otherwise,e.g o the setting aside of his election as President.
  1. An election to the office of the President must be completed before the expiration of the term.