Showing posts with label the next was Preserve your Divine Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the next was Preserve your Divine Light. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 June 2020



Some build rock walls all their lives,
When the die miles of walls divide them.
Others bulid rock walls , one rock on another,
And  then a  terrace,  where  they pary for love.

Yet others build walls to enclose orchards,
Endeavouring to find ways to fulfill hunger,
A few others build rock wall to make a home,
It is ther mission to serve humanity and nature.

I build no walls, to confirm to joy or sorrow;
To sacrifice or achieve, or to gain or lose.
I just grow flowers on all open spaces,
And float lilies on ponds and rivers.

I keep planting trees, for birds to have nests,
At the dawn of the sun, when morning breeze
Sunlight get filtered through shining tree
Birds flights give me sense of freedom and 

Scattered lights of colour i treasure.
Fragrance of flowers gives me delight of creator.
Lotus floating over like nature's dance,
Why should i build walls to confine them all?
I have no house, only open spaces,
Filled with truth, kindness and dreams.
Desire  to see my country developed and great,
And dreams to see everywhere happiness and peace.

will you all work for converting this desire and dream into action?

Every  has inside of bim or her, a piece of good news.
The good news is, that you don't how great you can be!

                                                          (APJ ABDUL KALAM)