Wednesday 24 June 2020

FOUR MOONS (did you know )??????????

Four moon

The moon

  • The moon is the satellite of the earth.
  • It has diameter of 3,475 km and its cirumference is 10,864 km while its orbit it elliptical.
  • The maximum distance (apogee) of the moon from the earth is 4,06,000 km, the minimum distance (perigee) is 3,64,000 km and approximate average distance is 38,400 km.
  • It takes 27 days , 7 hour and 43 minutes to rotate on its axis (this period of about 27 1/2 days is called the sideral month) and approximately the same period of the time it takes to revolve around the earth. The moon's period of revolution with reference to the sun is about 29.53 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 second). This period is called a synodic month.
  • Only 59% of the totale surface of the moon is visible from the earth.
  • Mass (compared to that of the earth)-1:81.30
  • Density(relative to that of the water)-3.34
  • Density(relative to that of the earth)-0.6058
  • Hidden part of the moon's surface-0.41 (41%)
  • Highest point on the moon-Mt. Leibnitz (35,000 ft.) situated on the South Pole of the moon.
  • The bright part of the moon is full of mountains whereas the dark patches are low lying plains.
  • 'Sea of the tranquility' made of the plain of the dust particles, is on the rear side of the moon' which always remains dark.
  • The moon has no atmosphere, no twilight and no sound .
  • The temperature during daytime is about 100oc and during night it drops down to about -180c.
  • The light from the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach the Earth.
  • The size of the moon is one fourth (1/4th) size of the Earth.
  • Gravitational pull of the moon is one-sixth (1/6th) that of the Earth.
  • Mainly silicon,iron,magnesium etc element are found on the Moon's surface.
  • The study of the moon is called 'Selenology'.
  • Moon is also know as the fossil planet

Super Moon 

  • Super Moons happen when a full Moon is closet to the earth appearing bigger and brighter than normal. They are called 'super' because they are 15% brigther and 30% bigger than regular full moons.

Blue Moon

  • If in a calendar month there are two full moons then the second full moon is referred as Blue moon. It is because of the gap between the two moons which is less than 31 days. If in any specific year Blue Moon appears in two or more than two months then it reffered as Blue Moon year.
Blood Moon

  • A ''Blood Moon'' is the name given for a view of the Moon during a total lunar eclipse. Because of the way light passes through the Earth's atmosphere during an eclipse, red light from the sun is reflected on to it. The Moon's reddish colour earns it the nickname--''Blood Moon''

( written by the book Lucent's)