Wednesday 8 July 2020


The vision of J N Tata - Three missions 

Jamestji Nusserwanji Tata laid the foundation foe three important projects. The first was the Tata Iron and Steel Plant, the second was the creation of the hydro-electric power station, and the third was the establishment of an educational and research institute, popularly know as Tata Institute and now the India Institute of Science, Bangalore. Thought Nusserwanji Tata envisioned all theses institution before his death in May 1904 but the Indian institute of Science--Bangalore opened its doors in 1911; the first ingot of steel rolled out from Tata Iron Steel Plant in 1912; and the hydro-electric power was switched on in 1915 in Mumbai. Today , after 100 years of his demise we see all these three institution flouring and in full bloom. The Indian institute of Science Bangalore has become a world class institution. Tata Steel has crossed the five million tonnes par annum steel output. The Tata Hydro-Electric Station has been fallowed by many other power plant in the country. Tata's vision has brought a revolution in steel industry, power generation and education. I admire this visionary, a visionary revolutionist who evolved a new method of working towards India's Freedom through the development of industry, power and scientific research. The light he lit in our country has many lamps and is still lighting many more.

   These are some of the examples that show how vision give a blue print of future development.

  • Third part coming soon.