Showing posts with label SAHARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAHARE. Show all posts

Friday 19 June 2020


Militarism in Japan 

  • During the 20 years after mussolini's March on Rome (1922), many others countries, faced with severe economic problems, followed the examples of Itly and germany and turned to fascism or right-wing nationalisam.
  • In Japan the democratically electedgoverment, increasingly embarrassed by economic, fin-ancial and political problems, fell undre the influence of the army in the early 1930s.
  • The military soon involved Japan in war with China, and later took the country ni to second world war its attack on Pearl Harbor (1941).
  • After a brilliant start, the Japanese eventually suffered defeat and devastation when the two atomoc bombas were dropped.
  • After the Second World War, Japan returned to democracy and made a reamarkable recove-ry, soon becoming one of the world's most power states economically.