Thursday 1 October 2020

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My self is Akbar husain 🀝 From Gujarat (india )..... I am an πŸŽ– Digital Marketer.πŸŽ– Social media expert and aπŸŽ– Affiliate Marketing Spasilst.

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Sunday 26 July 2020


Spiritual Leadership to clean 
the environment 

  The status of the environmental cleanliness is one of the indicators of the development of the nation. As a nation, we have to keep environment clean, including all our rivers and places of the worship. Cleaning of Kali Bein, in Panjab, isa example of preservation of the environment through spiritual leadership.I am delighted to learn that the Kali Bein rivulet,the place where Sri Gurunanak Dev is said to have received enlightenment, and which had over the centuries turned literally into a sewage-ridden, weed-choked drain, is today flowing clean and proud due,mainly to the efforts of Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal in partnership with the Panjab State Government. I understand that he organized people's participation in stopping the massive flow of sewage into the Bein and cleaned the 160 km long polluted had choked rivulet within the last three and a half years by deploying, on an average, 3000 devotees per day of the Gurudwara, who have become volunteer workers for the mission. Today, one can feel the flow of fresh water in these rivulet released from the Tarkina Barrage. The revival of the rivulet has recharged the water table as the hand-pumps that had become dry for the past four decades are now pumping out water. Baba, with the volunteers, not only did cleaning up operation by clearing Bein from the weeds and hyacinth,but also built bathing ghats at five places and built more than 100 km long road on the bank of the rivulet.

Friday 24 July 2020


Innovation is the capital 

 The global Competitiveness Report for the year 2003-04 shows that in terms of Growth Competitive Index ranking Us is ranked 2nd, Singapore 6th, South Africa 44th, and India 56th. In the same report, I noticed that in the proportion of Scientists and Engineers Index US ranked 4th, Singapore 6th, South Africa 38th, China 43rd and India 60th. Thus, we can see that there is a close correlation between the growth competitive index and the scientists and engineers index who are the innovation for the organization. 
 This innovation arises from the institutional initiative and the R&D production of the firm, shaped by policies and nature of local institutions.THE NATIONAL INNOVATIVE CAPACITY HAS TO BE THE COUNTRY'S IMPORTANT POTENTIAL TO REINFORCE BOTH POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ENTITY WITH COMMERCIALLY RELEVANT COMPETITIVE  PRODUCTS. This capacity is distinct from purely scientific or technical achievement and focuses on the economic application of new technology

  • written by the book your are unique 

Wednesday 22 July 2020


Trust for indigenous technology  

 Technology is non-linear tool than can effect the most fundamental change in the ground rules of economic competitiveness.. Technology consists of stage like research and development, technology transfer,  technology absorption, and production of product or systems with the desired performance, quality and cost-effectiveness. Technology development can b achieved through two routes---Route A and Route B. RouteA (know-how) involves obtaining licensed technology or techniques, including manufacturing from abroad. RouteB (know why) begins with designing and developing indigenous technology. In case of India, progress in technology, particularly indigenous design, in the trust area enable India to become competitive with other countries.  

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Modern Olympic Games

Modern Olympic Games 

 The revival work of the Games was undertaken by Baron Pierre de Coubertin nearly 1,500 years after the last of the ancient Games. He was born in to a family of Italian origin which had settled in France. I was on November 25,1892, during a conference at Sorbonne about the history of physical exercises that he first pronounced these famous six word in public "The Restoration of the Olympic Games!" He said that the Games would ennoble and the strengthen amateur sports to give them strength and lasting quality for an essential role in the world of the modern education.

  It was at the International Congress for the Study of the Propagation of the Principle of Amateurism held in Paris in June 1894 that the delegates led by Baron Pierre de Coubertin and associates unanimously voted to restore the Olympic Games and tho create an International Olympic Committee to oversee them. De Coubertin had planned to propose Paris for the site of the modern Olympic in 1900 but the enthusiasm and zeal of the delegates was so great that they insisted the first Games to be held 1896. Athens these Games are held every four years.

Monday 20 July 2020


Qualification for election as president of India

  • Be a citizen of India;
  • Have completed the age of thirty-five m(35) years;
  • Be qualified for election as member of the House the people; and
  • Must not hold any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State or under any local or other authority subject to the control of any of said Government {Art.58}.
  1. A sitting President or Vice-President of the Union or the Governor of any state or a Minster either for the Union or for any state is not disqualified for election as President(Rf.:Art.58).
  2. The president's term of office is five years from the date on which the enters upon his office.
  3. President can submit of resignation in writing  under his  hand addressed to the Vice-President of India.
  4. The only ground for impeachment of President specified in Art61(1) is 'violation' of the Constitution.
  5. An impeachment is a quasi-judicial procedure in Parliament.
  6. Either House may prefer the charge of violation of the Constitution by the President provided that:
  • A resolution containing the proposal is moved after a 14 days' notice in writing Signed by the not less than 1/4 of the total number of the member of that House;and
  • The resolution is then passed by a majority of that less than 2/3 of the membership of the house.
  • Change preferred by one House is investigated by the other House.
  1. The President has right to appear and to represented at such investigation.
  2. If a resolution is passed by not  less than 2/3 of the total membership of the investigating House declaring that the charge had sustained, the President shall be removed from office (ref.:Art.61).
  3. The President shall not be member of either House of Parliament or house of the Legislature of any state.
  4. If member of either House of Parliament or a house of the Legislature of any state elected President, he shall be deemed to have vacated his seat in that House.
  5. A vacancy in the office of the President can be caused in any of the following ways :
  • On the expiry of his term of five years.
  • By his death.
  • By his resignation.
  • On his removal by impeachment.
  • Otherwise,e.g o the setting aside of his election as President.
  1. An election to the office of the President must be completed before the expiration of the term.

Saturday 18 July 2020


Vision of Vivekananda 

 This thought came to me when I was in the beautiful environment of the renovated ancestral house of Swami Vivekananda in Kolkata. I recalled an event that took place in a ship which was sailing from Japan to Canada in 1993, when India was under British rule. Two great human beings were travelling in that ship. They were Swami Vivekananda and Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. They introduced each other and Swamiji asked Jamsetji Tata about where he was going and what was the mission of his visit. Jamsetji Tata said, "Swamiji, I am going with a mission to bring the steel industry to our country." It was year 1893, when India was ruled by the Britisher. Swamiji said, "It is indeed a beautiful mission. My best wishes. However, I would like to give you a small caution. Whatever amount you spend to get the process of making steel, simultaneously you should learrn the metallurgical science of making steel also. I would prefer that you start an Institute, a laboratory to do advanced research on the subject.'' What a prophetic a laboratory to do advanced research on the subject." What a prophetic statement came in the year 1993. Many thing happened after that. Jamsetji nusserwanji Tata could not get the technology for manufacturing steel from the UK. Jamsetji went to London and there he met the steel magnets and discussed about steel fabrication technology. He informed them that he the resources to set up a fabrication facility. The British steel industrialists told Jamsetji, If you Indians can make steel we Britishers will it".

  But Jamsetji was not discourage. He crossed the Atlantic and got yhe steel production technology from USA with all blut prints and he prepared a road map and and selected Jamshedpur as the place to locate the first steel plant. A large-scale planning took place. It had two parts: the first part was to start steel manufacturing plant at Jamshedpur, presently in Jharkhand. Simultaneously, he donated one-sixth of his property for established an Institute of Material Research at Bangalore.

He gave all the details to his successors and today the Tata Iron and Steel Company Jamshedpur produces nearly five million  tonnes of steel. The vision of Jamshetji  Tata had two objectives-one to bring the technology, and the another to make country strong so that it could fight four its freedom. Jamsetji was responsible for putting the seeding for establishing the Indian Institute of Science for research in area of material science. At Jamshedpur we can see the fruit of jamestji Nusserwanji Tata's vision: Iron and steel Company (TISCO). Due to this foresight, today Indian is self-reliant  in steel technology. The other part of his vision, at Bangalore the seeding for the research laboratory has been transformed into a great learning centre-The Indian Institute of Science.

 This incident demonstrates the vision of the great Swami Vivekananda. His vision was to have a strong and developed India He clearly foresaw the role that science, technology and industry had to pay for such a development. It was Swamiji who made Jagdish Chandra Bose to get a patent for his invention. Swamiji's call for awakening of India was not merely in spiritual fields but for all round economic and social progress.