Friday 19 June 2020


Lapse of Paramountcy

When the india Independence Act 1947, was passed, it declared
the lapse of suzerainty (paramountcy) of the crow, in sec 7(i)(b) of Act.

As from the appointed day-the suzerainty of His Majesty over the indian States lapse, and with it, all treaties and agreements
in force at the date of the passing of his  respect to Indian States
, all obligations of His Majesty existing at that date towards Indi-an States or the rulers thereof, and all powers, rights, authority,
or in relation to india States by treaty, grant,usage,sufferance or

Of the states situated withen the geographical boundaries of the Dominion of india, all (numbering 552) save Hyderabad,kas-hmir, Bahawalpur, Jungarh and the N.W.F. (North-West Frontier)
states (Chitral,Phulra, Dir, Swat and Amb) had acceded to the Dominion of india by the 15th Augest, 1947, i.e. before the `appointed day` it self.